H&M India Website Clone

This is the brief description of the very first project which was made as a part of the second unit’s construct week at Masai School for the Full-stack Web Developer Bootcamp.

As mentioned in the heading, we as a team named “H&M” with a set of 5 members Akash Kumar Singh, Deepak S., Akash Salunkhe,Smrutiranjan Patra, and myself Kanhaiya Kumar were given the task to clone the website www2.hm.com

H&M is a Swedish multinational clothing retail company known for its fast-fashion clothing for men, women, teenagers, and children. As of November 2019, H&M operates in 74 countries with over 5,000 stores under the various company brands, with 126,000 full-time equivalent positions. It is the second-largest global clothing retailer, behind Spain-based Inditex (parent company of Zara). Founded by Erling Persson and run by his son Stefan Persson and Helena Helmersson, the company makes its online shopping available in 33 countries.

Landing page — Smrutiranjan Patra

Cart page and payments page - Deepak

signup, sign in, and address page - Akash Salunkhe

Checkout page and Thanks Page - Akash Kumar Singh

Product page and cart discription page - Kanhaiya Kumar